Nurseries, Kindergarten, & Schools

We offer tailored furniture and equipment solutions to educational institutions, fostering inspiring and conducive learning environments for students.



Our nursery furniture comprises a diverse range of:

Carpets (learning and activities)

Soft seating & floor cushion

Storage cabinets & pretend furniture

Play equipment and floorings



At the heart of our KG furniture collection lies a dual promise: versatility and quality. Our offerings are divided into two key categories. The first mirrors the charm and comfort of our beloved nursery furniture, ensuring the youngest learners are embraced by a nurturing and stimulating environment. The second category is dedicated to student furniture, featuring ergonomic tables and chairs designed for the evolving needs of older students. With our comprehensive range, we invite educational institutions to create captivating, functional, and inspiring KG spaces that support the journey of learning and growth.



We provide a unique furniture for school requirements such as:

Class rooms: tables, chairs, boards and storage cabinets

Libraries: bookshelves, book browsers, reading tables and etc.

Labs furniture: chemistry, bio and physics labs

Playgrounds and sport equipment

Floorings: rubber, turf, vinyl and PU.